Training on TP simulator
Recently the first training sessions took place on our new “Transition piece”-simulator.
Pierre Vandammesluis
Today, at the port of Zeebrugge, we impressively reinstalled the second lock gate in the Pierre Vandamme Lock.
Jack-up vessel Vole au vent - Jan De Nul Group
Jan De Nul has been awarded the transport & installation for Vesterhav Nord & Syd wind farm in Denmark
Jan De Nul Sunfish Luchterduinen
Offshore wind energy comes ashore along cables in tidal areas and on land itself. But how do you bury a cable up to 8 metres under the beach?
Metro station Toots Thielemans Brussels
In the heart of Europe, a brand new metro line will bring Brussels a step closer to sustainable mobility.
Energy transition
By 2050, Europe wants to be climate-neutral. How can we make this happen?
Beach clean-up
Successful beach clean-ups in the United Arab Emirates and Colombia
Isaac Newton cable
LS Cable & System, consortium partner of Jan De Nul Group, has finished the manufacturing of the first lot of submarine power cables for the Hollandse Kust
Cutter suction dredgers cannot execute works in challenging weather conditions. Or can they? Our newbuilt Willem van Rubroeck can dredge on higher swells and...