Climate change is one of the biggest challenges humankind is facing. Flooded cities, disappearing rainforests and species on the verge of extinction make this painfully clear.

A big part of climate change is linked to fossil fuels. Consequently, transitioning to green energy is at the heart of the solution. We pioneer in diverse renewable energy technologies, both offshore and onshore, to optimally make use of the solutions nature offers us. On top of that, we minimise our emissions to execute our own activities in the most sustainable way.

Offshore green energy

As a response to climate change, the demand and development of offshore wind farms experiences enormous growth. With our versatile fleet of offshore installation vessels, we install any type of offshore structure. From concrete or steel foundations to high-voltage stations and wind turbines, as well as floating offshore structures.

The world’s largest offshore wind farm

Dogger Bank, UK, is set to be the world’s largest offshore wind farm. With our jack-up installation vessel Voltaire we transport and install 277 of the most powerful wind turbines of 13 and 14 MW. When completed, Dogger Bank will supply at least 6 million UK households a year with green power.

Dogger Bank

Subsea cables

Subsea cables are the missing link between offshore wind farms and energy grids. They make sure the green energy reaches the people and industries it should. We safely transport, install and protect different types of subsea cables. Inter-array cables connect wind turbines, export cables bring energy ashore, interconnectors link energy grids worldwide and umbilicals electrify oil and gas platforms. 

The Dutch green energy connection

The Hollandse Kust Noord and West Alpha wind farms are key to the Dutch energy transition. To bring the green energy ashore, we connected the offshore transformer platform to shore through 220 kV high voltage cables with a total length of 210 km. With a production capacity of 1.4 GW, the wind farms supply 1.4 million households for a whole year with green power.

cable installation

Onshore green energy

We do not only run renewable energy projects at sea. We explore solutions on land as well. We integrate solar technology in our project designs and look into new technologies such as green hydrogen. Our goal is to learn as much as we can, in order to make informed decisions in future projects.

Green hydrogen production

As part of a consortium, we bought an old landfill polluted with phosphogypsum and the nearby sites of an abandoned sulphur and phosphate acid factory in the port of Ghent. Together with our partners, we redeveloped the landfill into the energy farm Terranova. The 15 MW solar farm will generate the necessary power to produce 100% green hydrogen.

Energy Farm Terranova

We minimise emissions

We carry out all our projects in the most sustainable way, and commit to reducing our Scope 1 & 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2035. The key to reach our Science-Based Targets lies in rethinking our vessels, something we have been doing for years with our Ultra-Low Emission vessel (ULEv) technology. On top of that, we switch to alternative fuels wherever we can.

  • Water


  • Land
