The buildings we live in, the tunnels we drive through, the roads we follow. Infrastructure connects communities and stimulates economic activity.

Our extensive track record with public and private partners features all types of infrastructure works and building projects, including their foundations and remediation of the soil they are built on. We always do this with a clear goal in mind, such as smooth mobility or sustainable living. And we think circular in every construction project we take on. Why? Simple, because it is the most efficient and sustainable approach.

Smooth mobility

Whether it is high in the sky, at ground level, or down under the ground, we build tomorrow’s infrastructure. We renovate existing infrastructure and build new bridges, tunnels and roads. The result? We enable trade, power businesses, connect people, create opportunities for communities, and protect our society from an increasingly unpredictable natural environment.

The Oosterweel link

Traffic density in Antwerp has increased at dazzling speed over the past decades. That’s why we are constructing a 1.8-km tunnel with 3 lanes in each direction between the left and right bank of the Scheldt river. On the right bank, we are covering the Merksem viaduct, making Oosterweel Belgium’s largest construction site.

The Oosterweel link

Smart buildings

Buildings consume about 30% of the world’s energy and account for almost 40% of annual CO2 emissions.  It is time for change. We take the lead and carry out building projects that are not just more sustainable, but also are easy on the eye and improve people’s quality of life.

New detention centre in Antwerp

The Belgian government launched a masterplan to guarantee humane conditions in detention and internment centres. We will design, construct, finance and maintain the new Antwerp prison. The building complex will house 440 prisoners from mid-2026, keeping life in prison as close as possible to life in the outside world.

Antwerp Prison site

Solid foundations

Foundations are crucial for the durability and safety of construction projects. A tailored solution is particularly important when it gets large-scale and complex. We use innovative foundation, retaining wall and soil improvement techniques to create a solid base for complex buildings and infrastructure works.

Busy highway gets facelift

The construction of the Belgian part of Europe's longest highway, the E40, started in the 1930s. Thorough renovations were necessary to keep it safe and fit for modern traffic. The Flemish government took action and engaged us to rebuild two bridges. For the bridge spanning the highway, we drove almost 500 piles of 14 metres into the ground to provide the most stable foundation for the bridge.


All-round development

As a hands-on, seasoned and well-equipped partner for both public and private customers, we clean polluted sites, give new purpose to abandoned facilities, and unlock complex locations. We take care of the entire development process: from procurement and design to development and sale.

De Lediaan, green residential area

In Diegem, Belgium, we redevelop a former sand quarry and landfill into a residential area consisting of 168 Near Energy Neutral homes, including studios, flats, penthouses and townhouses. Thanks to the compact construction, 82% of the site remains green space.

Future residential area De Lediaan

Site remediation

We transform polluted and old industrial sites into opportunities for investment, development, or nature restoration. We use advanced soil remediation and water treatment technologies to breathe new life into areas deemed unsuitable. As a leader in this field, we are a trusted partner for large-scale and complex site remediation projects.

Biological cleaning of Renault site

At the former industrial Renault site in Vilvoorde-Mechelen, Belgium, we excavated 207,000 tonnes of contaminated soil. We placed this soil in bio-piles on site to let microorganisms clean the ground biologically.

Biological cleaning of Renault site

We think circular

Contributing to a circular world is one of the main goals of the projects we run on land. How we do this? We replace primary raw materials with recycled materials wherever we can. We build as efficiently as possible, generating only a minimum amount of waste. And we clean contaminated soil, on site or in one of our valorisation centres.

  • Water


  • Energy
