Jan Fordeyn - Sand as a Resource
Sand is one of the most exploited resources in the world. To reverse the negative impacts of this, the dredging sector is taking its responsibility.
Colleague Mieke De Mûelenaere
Our colleague Mieke De Mûelenaere on her experiences in the dredging sector.
Today is 26 July: Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem.
One of our main strengths is our ability to offer all-round solutions. We build bridges. Like on our project in Nivelles, but also in a much wider sense.
Chefs days
Van 21 tot en met 23 juni kwamen elf scheepskoks naar België om te worden ondergedompeld in teambuildingsactiviteiten off the grid en voedingsthema’s.
Dredging concessions? Our people, fleet and financial health are deciding factors for this type of financing.
Canals and rivers are usually important economic lifelines. It is therefore crucial to maintain the depth and flow of these waterways by dredging accumulating..
Strong growth, restored profitability and a record order book enables Jan De Nul Group to look ahead with confidence.
The visitors of the Connector
Vorig jaar besloten vier landen om fossiele brandstoffen om te zetten naar hernieuwbare energie gewonnen op de Noordzee. Nu, in 2023, sluiten zich daar nog eens
Ibn Battuta dredging at Payra Port
Jan De Nul completes capital dredging in Payra Port, the third seaport of Bangladesh. The access channel was officially opened on 26 March 2023.