Code Zero
Code Zero Commitment
We all cherish sustainable ambitions.
But how can we put them into practise? Our awareness programme Code Zero unites all sustainable initiatives into four pillars: Zero Emissions, Zero Accidents, Zero Waste and Zero Breaches. A milestone, rather than a starting point. And only one piece of the puzzle. To make a real difference, we need everyone’s support, from our own employees and clients to suppliers, local communities and governments.
We go for zero!
By 2050, the world will look completely different. Curious how we deal with the greatest challenges? Discover how we go for zero!
Global climate change is threatening our way of life. By reducing our ecological footprint to an absolute minimum, we want to contribute to a more sustainable world. At Jan De Nul, that is not a distant goal: we explore the possibilities of biofuels and our Ultra-Low Emission vessels are a standard in our sector. Let’s go for zero!
CO2 Performance Ladder
Energy efficiency
Emission reduction
Alternative shipping fuels
Ultra Low Emission vessels
Science Based Targets
We keep increasing the safety in the workplace.
Critical risks
Deal with risks
Lessons learnt
Stop & Reth!nk
Safety awareness
We don't tolerate ethical and social breaches.
Code of conduct
Different nationalities
Modern Slavery
Community engagement
Sustainable procurement policy
Reporting system
In the reporting system you can report your concerns about actual or suspected misconduct that could affect our company or people’s wellbeing.
We search for circular solutions and reduce our waste.
Reducing plastic
Green Deal Circular Building
Beach clean-ups
Innovation Projects
Circular solutions
Our sustainability strategy focuses on our impacts, risks and opportunities within the following three pillars:
Environment - We continuously reduce our ecological impact. We are committed to preventing damage to the environment and protecting biodiversity. We aim to prevent pollution, drastically reduce our impact on the climate and contribute to the circular economy.
Social - We care for our people and the communities around us. We ensure a safe work environment for everyone working with, for, or on behalf of Jan De Nul Group. We implement all necessary measures to prevent incidents at work. We respect human rights, invest in training, strive for a diverse and inclusive work culture and care for the communities around us.
Governance - We stand for sustainable business operations. We embed all the above in our policy and strategy to ensure continuous growth and improvement.
Our sustainability strategy is guided by the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. They give direction to the sustainability ambitions that we pursue.