JDN Games
The summer of 2024 is all about several major sporting events. The European Championships, the Olympic Games, but also the Jan De Nul Games!
Discover what dream you can make come true in our latest e-magazine Focus.
Tuesday, June 25, is dedicated to one thing and one thing only: International Day of the Seafarer.
Passing on knowledge to the next generation
The future is in the next generations! That's why we, together with RTC, organised 7 training days for students in secondary vocational and technical education.
Vaquita 01
Jan De Nul Group ordered four Unmanned Survey Vehicles to perform hydrographic and quality surveys on maritime and offshore projects. A first in the industry!
Jan De Nul Group and its partners are now starting the actual creation and further development of the mangrove island. An important milestone for the project.
Verkeerscomplex R0xA201
Flemish government gives green light to traffic-safe exchanger in green environment.
Port Hedland Australia
The Pilbara Ports Authority once again engages the expertise of Jan De Nul Group to expand Port Hedland’s infrastructure.
Family visit to Isaac Newton
The Lightning project team in Abu Dhabi organised a family visit for all colleagues to the cable-laying vessel Isaac Newton on 27 April.