Signing the protocol
On 23 February, the Embuild partners, including Jan De Nul Group and subsidiary PSR, signed a protocol for climate-proof roofs in the presence of the Flemish Mi
Sustainability Professional
Jakoba, onze Sustainability Officer, nam dit jaar de award Sustainability Professional mee naar huis.
The eco-valley seen from the side
Exactly two months after Flemish Minister for Mobility and Public Works Lydia Peeters and Flemish Minister for the Environment Zuhal Demir gave the go-ahead for
COB visit
On 15 January, 33 colleagues from different Jan De Nul departments met 22 researchers from UGent, TUDelft and the EURECC-project consortium. They interacted to
Green Deal Natuurinclusieve Parkeerterreinen
Together with 53 other participating public and private organisations, Jan De Nul Group has signed the Flemish Green Deal Nature-inclusive Car Parks, an ...
De Lediaan in Wilrijk
In today's construction landscape, sustainability and energy efficiency are no longer mere trends, but crucial imperatives. The construction industry is at a...
Julie De Pauw - Real Estate Development Manager
From one energy installation per house, we’re evolving to collective and sustainable energy solutions. Only the practical application is still in its infancy.
Vandaag stonden vier van onze collega’s op het podium op COP28 in Dubai, de jaarlijkse internationale klimaattop bijeengeroepen door de Verenigde Naties.