First steel plates cut for the Voltaire
Jan De Nul kicks off the construction of its next generation Offshore Jack-Up Installation Vessel Voltaire.
Jan De Nul lifts second lock gate out of the Pierre Vandamme lock in the Port of Zeebrugge
Jan De Nul lifts second lock gate out of the Pierre Vandamme lock in the Port of Zeebrugge
Jan De Nul loads first jackets for TPCs Offshore Wind Farm in Taiwan
Shortly after the first pin piles left to Taiwan, JDN announces that the first jacket foundations for the TPC OWF are ready to leave South Korea to Taiwan
In 2017 the General City Hospital (A.S.Z.) started the construction of a new S-building.
Jan De Nul Group 2019: Solid performances ensure broad support
Jan De Nul Group continues to sail a steady course, combining solid financial figures with targeted investments.
Leiewerken Harelbeke nominated for Publica Awards
We kicked off 2020 in January with the festive inauguration of the water infrastructure works on and around the weir lock complex along the Lys in Harelbeke.
Joining forces to build the world’s largest installation vessels
Safer offshore installations thanks to innovative design
For these cranes, largest in their class, Huisman developed the Universal Quick Connector based on the operational and technical expertise of Jan De Nul Group
First batch of pin piles loaded for TPCs Offshore Wind Farm in Taiwan
Fabrication of all 84 pin piles for the TPC Offshore Windfarm Phase 1 Project are ready. First transport of pin piles left to Taiwan.