During a micro-conference in Benin on Wednesday 26 June, the various research institutes involved came to present their studies, findings and results.
Jan De Nul Group and its partners are now starting the actual creation and further development of the mangrove island. An important milestone for the project.
©Stroom vzw
Het project ‘Mobiele geefpunten’ plaatst verschillende textielgeefpunten in Aalst. Binnenkort staat er ook een textiel geefpunt bij Jan De Nul.
Fleeming Jenkin
As part of the mission equipment for its new cable-laying vessel Fleeming Jenkin, Jan De Nul Group has ordered SMD’s Quantum EV ROV, the first electrical ROV in
PSR - JDN - Portret Johan Geeroms
Interview Expertise News with Managing Director Johan Geeroms.
Signing the protocol
On 23 February, the Embuild partners, including Jan De Nul Group and subsidiary PSR, signed a protocol for climate-proof roofs in the presence of the Flemish Mi
Sustainability Professional
Jakoba, onze Sustainability Officer, nam dit jaar de award Sustainability Professional mee naar huis.