On 15 February, Jan De Nul will start dredging and beach replenishment works in Ostend on behalf of the Belgian Public Maritime and Coastal Services Agency.
D6 XE Bulldozer
Recently, Jan De Nul put into service a new Caterpillar D6 XE dozer on its site in Coo (Belgium). Not just any bulldozer: the D6 XE is a hybrid machine...
An important milestone is reached in the construction of Les Alizés, a Next-Gen floating offshore installation vessel for offshore renewables and ...
Isaac Newton Jan De Nul Group
Jan De Nul will be in charge of the design, installation, burial and protection of two cable clusters of almost 1,000 km in total
Jan De Nul Medivac Guayaquil
Every year, each vessel tests the project emergency response in a standardised exercise. The project team in Guayaquil was assisted by the Ecuadorian Air Force.
JDN Taiwan
The offshore project team in Taiwan ran laps for the local ALS association. This way they raised a total of 9,400 euros.
JDN Insights Alternatieve fuels
International policy for greening in shipping is missing. Private companies are taking initiatives themselves with research into alternative fuels.
More and more, educational institutions are using practical cases from the professional world as part of their training programmes.
Jan De Nul dredging Argentina CAAR
Jan De Nul shares experience with radioactivity in Argentinian council CAAR