Project team in Taiwan runs 712 km to support colleague
On 10th December, 78 enthusiastic JDN staff put their running shoes on with a single objective: run or walk as many laps as possible in two hours. The excitement was palpable, because no less than 105 sponsors in Taiwan and Belgium counted on phenomenal performances and large takings.
Motivation was definitely not an issue. “Last year, a colleague was diagnosed with the neurological disease ALS”, explain Jan Kop and David Debaere, Project Directors for the offshore wind farms TPC and Formosa 2. “He kept working with us in Taiwan for as long as possible. But earlier this year, he had to go back to Europe to be close to his family.”
Warm Christmas message
Just before his departure, our affected colleague put his weight into a charity event for the local Taiwan Motor Neuron Disease Association, in which he would also take part. But increased covid restrictions put a spanner in the works. “Fortunately, now, the event could take place”, explain Jan and David. “That is how, just before Christmas, we tell our colleague that our thoughts are with him. We would like to thank all colleagues who made this possible, from organisers to participants and supporters. And our sponsors too, of course!”
2,227 laps
After two hours running and walking, the counter was stopped at 2,227 laps, or 712 kilometres. This raised an amount of 6,400 Euros. The income from an arts & crafts auction increased this amount further to 9,400 Euros. And the record of individual laps? No less than 64! Congratulations to the whole offshore project team in Taiwan for this heart-warming action!
Just before Christmas, we want to tell our colleague that our thoughts are with him. We would like to thank all colleagues who made this possible, from organisers to participants and supporters. And our sponsors too, of course!