First foundation for the offshore wind farm Kriegers Flak installed in Denmark

First foundation for the offshore wind farm Kriegers Flak installed in Denmark

This weekend, the first Gravity Based Foundation for the offshore wind farm Kriegers Flak was installed in Denmark, another milestone in this project. It concerns a 8,000 tonnes GBF which was floated off the semisubmersible barge and towed to the installation location where the heavy lift vessel Rambiz in combination with an in-house designed ballast module set the structure down onto the seabed. The second GBF, weighing 10,000 tonnes, will be installed as soon as possible, depending on the weather conditions.

Once the foundations have been installed the most recent multipurpose vessel of Jan De Nul, Adhémar de Saint-Venant, will start with ballasting and scour protection works.

Both foundations were constructed by Jan De Nul Group on a barge in the Port of Ostend in Belgium. The barge was towed to Denmark on 8 January 2018.

About the Kriegers Flak Contract of Jan De Nul Group and Smulders

Jan De Nul Group and Smulders joined forces to build two Gravity Based Foundations (GBFs) for the high voltage station of the Danish offshore wind farm Kriegers Flak.

Both foundations consist of a concrete part (GBF) and a steel structure on top. Jan De Nul Group was responsible for the design and construction of the concrete GBF, while Smulders took care of the design and construction of the steel shafts and decks placed on top.

Jan De Nul Group is in charge of the installation of both GBFs, the ballasting and the placement of scour protection in the offshore wind farm Kriegers Flak in Denmark.

About the wind farm

The Danish wind farm Kriegers Flak, located in the Baltic Sea, will consist of two parts. Kriegers Flak A, the west section, will have a total capacity of 200 MW. The east section, Kriegers Flak B, will have a total capacity of 400 MW.

Each section will dispose of its own substation, serving both for the future Krieger Flaks offshore wind farm as well as an interconnector between the Danish and German power net.

By 2022, Denmark's to date largest offshore wind farm will start generating CO2-free electricity for approx. 600,000 households. The interconnector project is funded by the European Energy Programme for Recovery.