We shape water, land and energy around the world, addressing some of the most important challenges of our time.

From the rising sea level to the energy transition, from polluted soil to sustainable living: we engineer solutions that future-proof our world, known for their complexity and high stakes. Our Can-Do people focus on four areas of expertise: Offshore Energy, Dredging Solutions, Construction Projects and Planet Redevelopment. Together, we all work towards one shared goal: to improve the global quality of life for generations to come.

Our ambition

Our ambition reflects our innovative, pioneering and socially relevant character. 

Our ambition

Our culture

Opportunity is all around

It is only impossible until you show them how it is done.

Genuine people make genuine change

Down-to-earth people are better for the planet.

Adapt to change 

Staying on track means finding new routes to get where you need to go.

Being responsible 

It is up to us to leave the world better than we found it.

Our history

Our story is one of six generations of entrepreneurs, who thrive through a particular way of doing things.
