Princess Elisabeth Island

Princess Elisabeth Island, Belgium

The artificial energy-island Princess Elisabeth is a world’s first. TM EDISON won the project in 2023 and starts the island’s construction in 2024. The works will take about 2.5 years to complete and raise a six-hectare island out of the sea, or the size of twelve football fields, 45 km off the coast of Ostend.

A hub to transform and transport energy

The North Sea has its busy shipping traffic, harsh weather conditions, and historical remains on the seabed. Still, it’s an excellent location for an artificial energy-island.

The Princess Elisabeth Island has a capacity of 3.5 GW renewable energy and is an important step for Belgium to achieve the European energy goals. It will transform the renewable energy produced by offshore wind farms, make connections to other national electricity grids, and monitor energy production.

Want to help construct world's firsts?

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