Princess Elisabeth Island - Biodiversity
To maximise the flourishing of biodiversity around the Princess Elisabeth Island, seven concrete measures will be taken.
As you read this, our floating crane vessel Les Alizés and water injection dredger Cosette are carrying out their first mission. Big deal, you say?
Coastbusters 2 - (c) ILVO
Smartly constructed, self-growing mussel reefs at the boundary of shallow water (the foreshore) can reduce coastal erosion while making a positive...
CLV Fleeming Jenkin
Jan De Nul orders a next-generation cable laying vessel, Fleeming Jenkin, with a cable carrying capacity of 28,000 tonnes.
Les Alizés leaves the port of Eemshaven
Jan De Nul Group's newest crane vessel, Les Alizés, kicks off her maiden assignment by installing the first of 107 monopile foundations for the construction of
Today is 26 July: Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem.
Testplatform Seavolt presented in port of Ostend
SeaVolt, a collaboration between Tractebel, DEME, and Jan De Nul, gets ready for its first floating solar energy test platform to be installed...
Jan De Nul’s CLV Connector, CLV Isaac Newton, and TSV Symphony preparing for new projects.
Jan De Nul Group, LS Cable & System, and Denys NV have been awarded a 525 kV HVDC cable system portfolio for the German electricity grid by TenneT. BalWin 4, La
The visitors of the Connector
Vorig jaar besloten vier landen om fossiele brandstoffen om te zetten naar hernieuwbare energie gewonnen op de Noordzee. Nu, in 2023, sluiten zich daar nog eens