Bram Vande Walle and his family
Colleagues Lore and Bram on their experiences on a challenging cable project in Crete.
Sofie Vriens
Sofie Vriens helps to protect ecosystems as a young engineer with MARED. Her ambition is to create a liveable and sustainable environment on our planet.
Jan De Nul Group is not only an expert in marine, offshore, civil and environmental activities. With PSR we also have an in-house developer.
When you work for Jan De Nul, you bring the world to your workplace. You don't have to be a great adventurer to do that. A Jan De Nul team is often a unique ...
Launching of the employer brand campaign
Our #RecogniseYourself campaign is in the running for best recruitment and employer branding project.
Today is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science
Congratulations, ladies! Today is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.
National Taiwan University
As of 2018, and in order to rapidly solidify the core of its offshore wind team in Taipei, JDN pioneered as contractor in employing recent graduates of the NTU.