
Brand new S-building with ultramodern lab opens at A.S.Z. Aalst campus

In 2017 the General City Hospital (A.S.Z.) started the construction of a new S-building. On 27 April 2020 the ultramodern laboratory was already able to move to the new block. In the weekend of the 8th, 9th and 10th of May, it was the consultations section’s turn to move in.

The S-building, the modern new building at the front of the campus with five above-ground and two underground floors, has a separate entrance. Patients who have an appointment at the department of Neurology, Neurosurgery, Neuropsychiatry, Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery, Gynaecology, Vascular Surgery, blood collection and COVID-19 tests can register directly in the new building. The consultation areas have modern, spacious waiting rooms offering complete comfort.

The new lab in the S-building is also a pleasant working environment thanks to the open and bright space. But above all, the technological novelties are the eye-catchers there. Among other things, the lab is equipped with the latest pre-analytical Roche testline and a fully automatic cooling system that archives samples and automatically returns them if additional tests are required. As a first in Belgium and for the first time ever, two ACL TOP coagulation analyzers were connected with the pre-analytical testline in the A.S.Z.. All this ensures even faster and more efficient handling of samples.

Credits photos: Algemeen Stedelijk Ziekenhuis

  • S-gebouw
  • S-gebouw
  • S-gebouw
  • S-gebouw