Bus and bicycle tunnel in Kortrijk, Belgium
The new bus and bicycle tunnel connects the station’s south and city centre sides. It will allow regular buses and bicycles a safe passage, undisturbed by car traffic.
The tunnel connects the all-new underground car park under the Conservatoriumplein on the north side with an access slope on the south side.
Sliding operation
Early April 2021 the tunnel was pushed into its final position. The soil under the railway tracks was excavated and the tunnel was lifted and put on rails. This allowed Jan De Nul to push the 35-meter 1,500-tonnes tunnel into place. The sliding operation took about 8 hours.
About the railway station project
The construction of the bus and bicycle tunnel is a part of the first stage of the Station project. Have look at the short simulation film on this first stage on www.stationsprojectkortrijk.be.
Video source: https://www.kortrijk.be/stationsproject