Offshore wind farm Northwester 2, Belgium
Windmolenpark Northwester 2
The Northwester 2 wind farm, with a capacity of 219 MW, lies 48 kilometres off the coast of Zeebrugge. At the time it was built, the wind farm signed up for the installation of the largest and most powerful wind turbines available, i.e. the V164-9,5MW manufactured by MHI Vestas, with a rotor diameter of no less than 164 metres. Northwester 2 will be fully operational in 2020 and will generate enough green power for 220,000 households. For this project, Jan De Nul Group kitted out the Vole au vent with a new and innovative monopile gripper, jointly designed with Huisman. The gripper has a modular, customized design and offers unique capacity and versatility.