Jan De Nul and Terres Rouges

End of project in Benin: crew and staff donate household goods to charity

For three years, Jan De Nul has been working on the construction of a 5 km long underwater breakwater and the reclamation of the beach to protect the coast from erosion. The project in Benin is coming to an end.

However, one last task remains: the project staff decided to donate the (office) furniture to charity, more specifically to the organisation Terres Rouges. For Christophe Timmermans, this action is very fulfilling: "This Belgian organisation is committed in Benin to the psychosocial care of neglected children. They are living in the most miserable conditions and are hanging around the biggest market in Cotonou. Part of the furniture - beds, cupboards, tables and chairs - has already been handed over to the organisation to further expand their various reception centres for boys, girls and young children. The office furniture and supplies that will be donated in the next few weeks will contribute to the general organisation of Terres Rouges. This way Jan De Nul not only contributes to nature but also to the protection and care of the weakest in society, the children...".

If you would like to know more about the organisation you can take a look at their website: www.terresrouges.be

  • Jan De Nul and Terres Rouges
  • Jan De Nul and Terres Rouges