Day of the Seafarer

Day of the Seafarer

25 June: Day of the Seafarer, day of many of our colleagues. The moment to put the spotlights on our 3,000 crew members who ensure that our fleet remains up and running 24 hours a day. So, for us, Seafarers' Day is undeniably one to bring extra attention to. The perfect occasion to treat our crew to an extra shirt with a unique design for 2022.

The design brings together the word 'Seafarer’ in the seven most common mother tongues on board, namely English, Dutch, Croatian, Lithuanian, Filipino, Indonesian and Hindi.

Twelfth edition for the International Maritime Organization

For the twelfth year in a row, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) is using this day as the moment to draw public attention to seafarers. Each year, they highlight a specific theme. This year, the focus is on the fact that every voyage is different and yet embraces similar challenges. More information can be found on their website.

Design Day of the Seafarer


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