
This was Safety Day 2024

Safety is at the cornerstone of everything we do, both on board and on the sites of our construction projects. With high safety standards and thorough training, we ensure that we remain in control even in risky situations. The annual Safety Day at Soetaert for the site workers on our construction projects therefore plays an important role here.

This Safety Day is all about learning and doing. We emphasise colleague training, with an extra focus on practical exercises. Whether it is putting out a fire, safely manoeuvring an aerial platform, or how to dig for cables and pipes on a construction site.

But we go further: we want our colleagues to actively promote the safety culture. So think of this day as a large-scale team building where we not only strengthen skills, but also build a safe workplace together for everyone.

More than 350 colleagues from Jan De Nul and subsidiaries Soetaert and Envisan participated in this edition at the Soetaert sites. All followed a tailor-made programme, maximally in line with their function.

Safety at Jan De Nul is not limited to this Safety Day alone. If we don't put just as much drive into safety on the other 365 days of the (leap) year, this day will lose its value. That is why I call on everyone to stop and think about the potential dangers in your daily work. Be aware, act proactively, and together we will make every day a safe day!

Geert Versweyveld

Operations Manager Civil Works
