We fly back into it after summer break with a JDN Safety Day
While carrying out our various activities, we maintain high safety standards. By carefully training our employees in the rules and procedures, we maintain control during high-risk activities. Therefore, we organised a Safety Day for the workers of Jan De Nul's civil projects, and subsidiaries Soetaert and Envisan.
As many as 340 colleagues gathered at Soetaert's premises in Ostend last Friday. All followed a tailor-made programme, fully in line with their function. It was a day filled with theoretical training and practical workshops. Subjects such as working at height, safe hoisting and load securing were all covered. Motivated and safe, our colleagues are now flying in again!
I can happily look back on a successful Safety Day! On the one hand, through this initiative we wanted to give our colleagues extra training, and on the other hand we wanted to ensure that all colleagues actively propagate our positive safety culture. We certainly succeeded in doing so today.