New modular staircase for cutter head repairs

IADC Safety Award for staircase to repair cutter heads

Every year, the International Association of Dredging Companies (IADC) presents an award to a dredging company for safety innovations in the industry. This year, we won the award for a modular staircase for cutter head repairs. Cutter heads are huge rotating cutting tools that we use on dredgers to loosen hard bottom material. Because of their size and shape, they are often heavy and difficult to maintain or repair. A modular staircase that is easy to build up and break down around a cutter head in a workshop is meant make those repairs safer and easier.

During dredging operations, we use cutter heads to break through hard bottom material. As a result, they need frequent repairs in our workshops, which is not without safety risks. The size and shape of the cutter heads often forces welders into difficult and high working positions, which results in danger of falls and muscle and bone injuries. To solve this, the welders from our workshop in Zelzate developed a modular staircase that they can build up step by step around the cutter head. This innovative design, which significantly reduces safety risks, has now been honoured with IADC's Safety Award.

An evolved design

We have been looking for ways to improve the working position during repairs for some time. In recent years, we used scaffolding for cutter head repairs in our workshops worldwide. We further improved that idea to make the situation even safer and more user-friendly, resulting in the modular staircase. It stands out for its:

  • Modular flexibility. The staircase can be easily assembled, moved and dismantled. As a result, it can be used for different cutter head sizes and in all working environments.
  • Ergonomic improvements. Welders can adjust the staircase to the right working height, making repairs more comfortable.
  • Improved operational control. Non-slip steps and sturdy handrails provide more support during repair. This allows welders to work more accurately, with less risk of falling. Similarly, hoisting and lifting equipment is no longer necessary, contributing to a controlled working environment.
Modular stairs for cutter head repairs

The updated design of the staircase thus not only increases safety, but also improves comfort, and operational control for our employees. The user-friendliness motivates to actually use the stairs for repairs. We are putting the design into practice as much as possible to make cutter head repairs safer, more efficient and easier worldwide.

  • New modular staircase for cutter head repairs
  • New modular staircase for cutter head repairs
  • New modular staircase for cutter head repairs
  • New modular staircase for cutter head repairs
  • New modular staircase for cutter head repairs
  • New modular staircase for cutter head repairs
  • New modular staircase for cutter head repairs
  • New modular staircase for cutter head repairs